Drink Green Tea for Weight Loss


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor! All opinions in this post are my own and should not be used in place of medical advice received from your physician or medical provider.


People are always looking for a quick way to lose weight, which explains all of the pills, diets, and supplements on the market today.

If you aren’t interested in any of that and want to know how I lost over 45 pounds drinking green tea read on.



lose weight naturally with green tea


I love food. I always have.

People think that since I am slender I either don’t eat or just eat salad. Ha! Some of my favorite foods are pasta, chocolate cake, ribs, ice cream, fresh mozzarella, prosciutto. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

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So while in college, wayyy before becoming a wife and mom, I spent a semester studying abroad in Madrid. I ate and drank to my heart’s content. Sangria, Fanta y Vodka, and tapas galore.


However, when I arrived back home I was over 45 pounds my normal weight. For my birthday my sister bought me a whole chocolate wave cake from Red Lobster. Some days I would eat two or three slices with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. If you heat it up in the microwave for 25 seconds it’s perfect. Don’t judge me.


One day I split my pants. It was terrible, like a bad scene from a movie. I’m so thankful I was at home. I think I would have died of embarrassment. It was the next day that I joined the gym.


Let me make this clear, exercise and I were not friends. I went to the gym a few times a week, but saw very little results. I’m not sure if it was because I didn’t do an intense enough workout or because I was still eating too much. I wasn’t interested in dieting at the time. Less than three months later I quit the gym.


I wanted to drop the pounds naturally so I came up with my own plan. I made sure I didn’t eat anything two hours before bedtime. After I ate I would stand or walk around to help the food digest. And most importantly, I feel, I drank 2 cups of warm/hot green tea every night (no sugar/sweetener added), shortly after dinner.


This is the green tea I drank, though I think most brands would work similarly.

The pounds slowly started to drop and my “fat” pants were starting to become loose. I started to incorporate walking into my weekly routine. Eventually I made it back to my “normal” weight and my “fat” pants were no longer needed.


Green tea is known for its health benefits. It can help increase your metabolism and in my mind, melts fat. If you choose to try this, be mindful of your caffeine intake. Also, I learned, do NOT pour boiling water over your tea. You want the water to sit a few minutes after boiling before you pour it over the tea. Be gentle with the green tea and don’t steep it too long or it’ll taste very bitter. I did, hoping it would be stronger and more effective, but the taste was not pleasant.


Now that I am a busy mom of two I am constantly coming up with easy and creative ways to get fit. It has taken me a year to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I did it gradually with a little bit of exercise and healthy eating. Only recently did I start drinking green tea again, which helped me to lose the last few pounds.



Please note I am not a doctor and I do believe that eating healthy and exercise are the best way to lose weight and get in shape. Green tea should not be seen as a quick fix or simple solution for losing weight. Some people love drinking green tea and the results it gives them, while some do not like it or experience side effects. Listen to your body and do what is best for you.


Green tea is a great way to lose weight naturally, but it’s also just a nice tea to drink, especially at dim-sum. Hope you enjoy!


How to use green tea to lose weight fast

5 thoughts on “How to Lose Weight Naturally Drinking Green Tea”

  1. I used to have a cup of green tea whenever I had my dinner. It became a ritual as I found it soothing and it really did help me with weight loss.

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